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Spectrumschool registrations
BSO-TSO-Dual Antwerp 2024-2025

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From September 2025, the BSO diploma will look different

Learning dual in picture !

Spectrum school BSO-TSO-Duaal Antwerp

De Spectrum school Learn and work organizes training courses in the old DBSO and in dual learning. By 01/9/25, all DBSO courses will have been replaced by dual learning.
Anyone who now registers for a Learning & Working course will register for a new dual course.

Can you still register for an old part-time course?

In some cases you can also register for an old DBSO course. This can have both advantages and disadvantages, but it depends on your individual situation.
During the registration interview, we will discuss with you what the best option is.

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De Spectrum school BSO-TSO-Dual Antwerp built together with primary school de Trampoline a new building.

The first students moved into the building in June 2023. The former main building is currently also being completely renovated.

For the Spectrum school you are in the right place for all courses in transfer, double finality or labor market-oriented education.
Spectrum school offers vocational education in full-time education, in dual and in part-time education.

We invest in your future!

Click on the image for an insight into our new building

Together with the City of Antwerp, Scholengroep Antwerp and the GO! a new sports hall on the domain of the Spectrum school BSO-TSO-Dual Antwerp. This sports hall will also be used during the day by the Trampoline primary school and primary school The Smart Piste and will primarily provide a home for the sports training of the Spectrum school. After class hours, the sports hall is made available to the Antwerp sports clubs.

Get to know our learning+ story.

Spectrum school BSO-TSO-Duaal Antwerp

We offer more than 50 vocational and technical education courses in Antwerp within Industry, STEM, Sports, Healthcare, Catering & Logistics.

Our 4 entities:

Learning+Discovering temporary-Spectrumschool-BSO-TSO-Duaal-DBSO

First degree + Okan
A- & B stream

In our 1st degree you discover your talents. This way you make a good choice of study for the 2nd degree.

Spectrum school-BSO-TSO-Duaal-DBSO
Spectrum school-BSO-TSO-Duaal-DBSO

Full-time secondary education
2nd & 3rd degree

Je qualifies you in your profession and you gets acquainted with de labor market. This entity knows the labor market finality (the former BSO). We organize some courses in dual learning as well as in classic full-time secondary education.

Learning + Progression - Spectrum School - BSO - TSO - Dual - DBSO
Our courses - Spectrum School - BSO - TSO - Dual - DBSO

Full-time secondary education
2nd & 3rd degree

You lay a strong applied foundation and prepares you for higher studies. This entity knows the flow and double finality (the former ASO & TSO).

Spectrum school-BSO-TSO-Duaal-DBSO

Part-time secondary education
(from 15 years)

You combine learning with work and you are so strong on the labor market. This entity knows the labor market finality (the former DBSO).

De Spectrum school Dual Learning developed a series of videos together with Frixis, the professional federation of the refrigeration sector, to encourage young people to become interested in the profession of refrigeration technician.

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