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Registrations Spectrum School 2024-2025

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Adjustments to BSO diploma from 30/6/2025

For Campus Ruggeveld full-time

1° year A and B: only via

2° to 7° years full-time: Call from April 22, 2024 to 03/328.05.00
for an appointment to pre-register

Saturday May 4, 2024: registration day without appointment
and a guided tour for all years at 10:30 AM and 14:XNUMX PM.

For Campus Ruggeveld Dual learning and Learning & Working

Call 03/328.05.00 for one appointment or complete this form

For Campus Plantijn

Registrations about this Okan
only via Atlas: 03/338.70.11

1° year A and B: only via

2nd year A and B: call 03-217.43.40

If you complete the 30th year of BSO or dual after 6/2025/6, you will immediately receive a Secondary Education diploma.
You no longer have to take an extra year to get this diploma. This diploma does not automatically grant access to the bachelor's programs at the college or university.

New 7th year of general education

From 01/9/25 there are two types of 7th year in the new system.
One type prepares you for further studies at college or university.
If you want to continue your studies, you must do this in the 7th year, even if you already have a BSO diploma.

New 7° year subject specific

The other type of 7th year focuses on preparing young people for a specific profession.
If you do a subject-specific specialization in this 7th year, you cannot continue studying on the bachelor's programs at a college or university.

Graduate courses at colleges

In addition to bachelor's degrees, the colleges also offer graduate courses.
These graduate courses are accessible after graduation in a 6° year BSO
So you still have the opportunity to pursue higher education.

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Learning dual in picture !

The Spectrum School Learn and work organizes training courses in the old DBSO and in dual learning. By 01/9/25, all DBSO courses will have been replaced by dual learning.
Anyone who now registers for a Learning & Working course will register for a new dual course.

Can you still register for an old part-time course?

In some cases you can also register for an old DBSO course. This can have both advantages and disadvantages, but it depends on your individual situation.
During the registration interview, we will discuss with you what the best option is.

The Spectrum School (ASO, BSO, TSO) built a new building together with the Trampoline primary school.

The first students moved into the building in June 2023. The former main building is currently also being completely renovated.

At the Spectrum School you are in the right place for all courses in both transfer, dual finality or labor market-oriented education.
Spectrumschool offers vocational education in full-time, dual and part-time education.

We invest in your future!

Click on the image for an insight into our new building

Together with the City of Antwerp, Scholengroep Antwerpen and the GO! a new sports hall on the grounds of the Spectrum School. This sports hall will also be used during the day by the Trampoline primary school and De Pientere Piste primary school and will primarily provide accommodation for the sports training courses of the Spectrum School. After class hours, the sports hall is made available to the Antwerp sports clubs.

We offer more than 50 vocational and technical education courses in Antwerp within Industry, STEM, Sports, Healthcare, Catering & Logistics.

Our 4 entities:

LO entity page STEM 01
learning and discovering

First degree + Okan
A- & B stream

In our 1st degree you discover your talents. This way you make a good choice of study for the 2nd degree.

LB entities page 01
learning and proficiency

Full-time secondary education
2nd & 3rd degree

Je qualifies you in your profession and you gets acquainted with de labor market. This entity knows the labor market finality (the former BSO). We organize some courses in dual learning as well as in classic full-time secondary education.

LB entity page voice 01
LD training page 1 e1608204407873

Full-time secondary education
2nd & 3rd degree

You lay a strong applied foundation and prepares you for higher studies. This entity knows the flow and double finality (the former ASO & TSO).

LW entities page 01
learn and work

Part-time secondary education
(from 15 years)

You combine learning with work and you are so strong on the labor market. This entity knows the labor market finality (the former DBSO).


LEARNING + is learning and more than learning:

Evaluate without any points

In our training courses with labor market finality (the former BSO) you will not receive points, but you will receive “green balls”, linked to the learning objectives per subject. You achieve a green sphere when you have mastered the objective to be achieved. The focus is on achieving learning goals per individual student and not on the class average.

Wide first degree

In our first degree you will discover your talents and make a good study choice. On Campus plantijn  you get a taste of different fields and discover your talents. On Campus Ruggeveld choose a domain (STEM or SPORT) and discover your talents within this domain.
> More about Learning + Discovering

Learning on the work floor

You combine the best of two worlds: learning at school and learning at the workplace. You gain a lot of experience in a real working environment. This way you keep up with the latest tools and technologies and increase your chances on the labor market. Of our training courses Learning dual, our entity Learning + Working (part-time education), internships and workplace learning, “learning on the work floor” is an absolute focal point.

Guidance to the labor market

Our mentors and employees have years of experience in guiding our students on the work floor. Within each learning domain we have an extensive network of companies. This way we lead you to your right place on the job market.

The Culture

Culture is a structural part of everything our training courses. We have numerous large and small cultural projects. Do you want to continue in something creative in addition to your education? Then you can also contact us!

Afternoon activities

During the afternoon you can participate in numerous activities. A selection from the offer: gaming, drum clinic, yoga, football, basketball, chess club, coding club, ...

Broad basic care

Everyone should be able to feel at home our school. Our extensive team of care coordinators, student counselors and follow-up coaches are always ready to answer questions about well-being at school, study career, home situation, bullying, social problems, etc.

spectrum school

“On GO! Spectrumschool I received individual guidance. My weaknesses were worked hard so that I could succeed and graduate. Because of the strong foundation that I was given, I never got into trouble at the university of applied sciences. As a PE teacher I also apply this to my own students today. ”

Tom, former student, now teacher LO
spectrum school

“After my studies on GO! Spectrumschool I obtained a professional bachelor in automation. For a while I worked as a robotics engineer. Now I work as a controls project engineer. I mainly program PLCs and implement installations. The skills I have on GO! I was still taught Spectrum School in my job every day. ”

Younes, former student, now an engineer in Canada
spectrum school

“In addition to the lessons, we will also surf in France, for example. In addition, there are many other activities. That way I gain a lot of experience. ”

spectrum school

“We work on a project basis from start to finish; with our hands and with computer-controlled technology. It gives me great satisfaction that you put something together yourself and then actually see it work. ”


The Dual Learning Spectrum School, together with Frixis, the professional federation of the refrigeration sector, developed a series of films to make young people enthusiastic about the profession of refrigeration technician.

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