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Spectrum school > Learning + Working - part-time education in Antwerp

Part-time Education in Antwerp

At part-time education combine your school lessons with practical experience on the work floor. The Spectrum school offers a number of options in 24-25 for students who would like to work in part-time education instead of in learn dual.

What is part-time education?

With part-time education, a student (between 16 and 25 years old) learns not only at school but also at the workplace. You get a paid agreement. If you pass the training, you will receive a diploma or certificate.

Who is part-time education for?

Part-time education is for students who are ready to work. It does require commitment, but it has many benefits. You'll learn things like speaking well at work, asking for feedback, and working with deadlines. If you do well, it will be easier to find a job after your studies.

De GO! Spectrum school belongs to the school group Antwerp and is the school for part-time education in Antwerp.

Part-time education Antwerp Spectrum school VandeWielelei 136 2100 Deurne

In 24-25 it is the last year you can still do it free register in a part-time course. And this only on the condition that you have completed the third grade. If you do not meet these conditions, you can dual learning in the Spectrum school also be an alternative for you.

What are the advantages of part-time education?

You meet compulsory education. You can obtain your secondary education diploma. During this period you also gain work experience. You remain fiscally dependent on your parents and retain your child benefit. You earn approximately €600 per month as training compensation. With both your diploma and work experience, you are in a stronger position to find a permanent job. Alternatively, you can choose to become your own boss and become self-employed.

For the Spectrum school we consciously choose two days of lessons at school (unlike other providers such as Syntra). We simply do not believe that less than two days of lessons is enough to provide a solid foundation for your work in a company. Part-time education means that you work, and at the Spectrum school you will receive the guidance you need to get started successfully. You do not have to look for a workplace yourself, because we will help you find a suitable place where you can immediately put your skills into practice. This way you are always assured of the best learning-work combination.

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Dual Learning Courses Spectrum school

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The training of Learning + Working