
In our Wide First Degree B flow in addition to general training, you will work on a project basis within Technology. You can also choose from the optional modules Care / hair care, Creation, Industry, Food & Trade. In the second year, you choose a basic option in addition to the general lessons: VOICE TECHNIQUES (Wood, Mechanics & Electricity) and SOCIETY & WELFARE (Hair Care, Care & Nutrition)

Read more about our way of working in Learning + Discover at  GENERAL INFO.

Spectrum school-BSO-TSO-Duaal-DBSO

In the 1e year B flow you get a large part of general basic education that is the same for everyone. You will also work on a project basis within Technology and within Art & Culture. You can also choose from the optional modules Care / Hair Care, Creation, Industry, Nutrition & Trade. You follow 2 elective modules per period during one afternoon a week.

Indoor Technique you will make different things yourself via projects & themes, always according to the different steps of the technical process.

Indoor Arts & Culture you learn to discover your creative possibilities through fascinating themes and to develop them further. You also get creative yourself!

Lessentable 1B (.pdf, 127KB)

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. In the basic option 2B STEM techniques you and your teacher will set out to discover and further develop your talents within a STEM course. This within the context context Electricity, Mechanics & Wood

Click here for the detailed training page and lesson table

In basic option 2B Society and Welfare the well-being for and of people is central to society. You will become acquainted with a number of basic concepts and techniques to optimize and maintain living together, your own health and your own lifestyle in our diverse society. This within the context Hair Care, Care & Nutrition

Click here for the detailed training page and lesson table

If you pass the first grade B stream, you can switch to all study options within it BSO. It is best to think carefully about whether the directions interest you enough and whether you have the necessary basic knowledge.

> Discover the 2nd degree courses at our school.
> Discover all 2nd degree courses.

You get lessons Campus plantijn in Borgerhout.

GO! Spectrumschool
Campus Plantijn
Plantin & Moretuslei 165
2140 Borgerhout (Antwerp)

You can reach us by bus 20 - bus 21 - bus 30 - bus 34

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Ann Moens
Deputy Director Learning + Discover
03 / 217 43 40