7th year of specialization in Child Care (SENSE)

Spectrum school > Our courses > 7e specialisatiejaar > 7° years Childcare
An education Learning + Skills (labor market finality) of GO! Spectrumschool, Campus Ruggeveld

What are you learning?

In the 7th year of specialization Childcare (Se-n-Se / full-time / labor market finality) teach you to stimulate children in their self-reliance and their development by organizing activities and supervising play. You learn what a child can do when and how to build a relationship of trust with parents and colleagues. This in combination with internships.

You learn to deal independently and in a pedagogically responsible manner with newborns, toddlers, school-age children who need (special) attention or care (eg disabled children).

You teach children to provide structure. You learn how to change a child, give a bath, cut nails, but also how to save life. You will prepare baby and children's meals and supervise eating moments.

By doing you learn to work methodically, pay attention to the well-being of each child and its environment, deal with diversity, work together with parents and colleagues, but you also learn to independently provide total care, also in complex situations

During you Internship you get an extensive opportunity to apply what you know and can in practice. This way you specialize your profession in one real work situation within childcare.

Something for you?

BKO something for you 3

You like to work with children

BKO something for you 2

You can work well together

BKO something for you 4

You are welcome to take care of others

For who?

Do you enjoy working with children? Are you a social feeling and a caring person? Then the 7th specialization year (Se-n-Se) Childcare might be something for you!

What do we expect?

You can only enter a 7th specialization year if you have obtained at least the secondary education certificate. Ideally, you have previously completed training in the field of Healthcare (Society and Welfare)

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What after?

If you pass this course you will get it certificate of Secondary Education and you can go to work or continue studying. For example, you can work in a creche, a nursery or in a school. More information about possible professions and further studies can be found here.


English 2
Expression 2
Philosophy subject 2
Physical education 2
Project general subjects 7
Education 6
Care 2
total 23
Intership 12 weeks

More Info

Consult the lesson table of the 7e specialisatiejaar BSO Childcare

You get lessons Campus Ruggeveld in Deurne.

GO! Spectrumschool
Campus Ruggeveld
Ruggeveldlaan 496
2100 Deurne (Antwerp)

You can reach us by tram 10 - tram 5 - tram 8 - bus 19 - bus 410 - bus 411 - bus 412
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From the 3 degree Internship an essential part of the training, but also in the past the pupils are already in contact with the shop floor and the business world.

Our stewards and employees have employment years of experience with guiding our students on the work floor. Within each learning domain we have an extensive network of companies where internships can be run.

There are also walking many collaborations with sectors, companies we work on project-based, such as VDAB, Agoria, Umicore, Atlas Copco, etc.

This system certainly pays. 7 on 10 employers will hire someone sooner if they have had a form of workplace learning during their training, according to UNIZO research. "Workplace learning should become self-evident in all training courses, and should be directly in line with the needs of the companies themselves," said former UNIZO CEO Karel Van Eetvelt.

If you choose Learning + Skills you follow a full-time training. You are proficient in your profession and you are introduced to the labor market. You choose a field within Industry, STEM, Sport or Healthcare (Society & Welfare).

You get practical training by our subject expert teachers. Learning on the work floor is an important part of our full-time courses in Learning + Competences. Through internships, workplace learning and cooperation with sectors and companies you will be guided to one good place in the labor market. We also offer some of the courses indoors Duaal Learning.

If you pass one of our courses you will achieve it certificate of Secondary Education. Also a certificate business management is possible.

Our school domain and practice workshops offer ample practical possibilities.

We offer you one tailor-made route waarin Individual guidance and an warm learning climate being central.

A specific question about this education?

Sonja Wellens
Deputy Director of Learning + Skills
03 / 328 05 21